Technically Speaking

Technology is taking over my life. Every where I look, there is some computerized billboard, a new-fangled gadget, or a flashy game. From tvs, to stereos, to ipods, and more, technology is everywhere and in everything.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche says “without music life would be a mistake”. So why would we risk making such a huge mistakes by not having music, when we can just take it with us? I love walking down the street, jamming to my tunes, and occasionally dancing amidst the bizarre stares on strangers. Ipods, mp3 players, and even ghetto compact disk players make this possible. My tastes of music ranges from heavy metal and screamo to Broadway musicals and operas. My ipod is my harmonious emporium to which I turn to when I am in need of tunes. One of my philosophies is that life should have background music. Now thanks to the crazy insane advancements of technology, I can start my day off right by waking up to the epic montage of “Eye of the Tiger”, “Sandstorm”, and “Chariots of Fire”. Life’s every day, mundane events are jazzed up with our ability to take music everywhere.

Another wonderful technological improvement I use almost every day in life is my computer. Without my computer I would die. Ok so not literally, but normal, every day things would take so much longer to do. For instance, if I wanted to look up something on the Salem Witch Trials, I can use my computer’s internet search engine to do some quick research.  All it takes in a few clicks of a button and a tap of the mouse or two. Otherwise I would have to go to a library and spend hours flipping through outdated encyclopedias. So let’s recap. I could spend hours doing meticulous research which I could do all in the space of a few minutes thanks to my computer. I for sure pick my computer over boring encyclopedias any day.

I also use my computer as one of my main sources of communication. Instant messenger, email, and Facebook are just a few examples of types of communication I presently use. AIM is such an easy way to talk to someone so you do not have to talk face to face. I can multi-task, for example, by watching a hockey game on tv, talking about said game on AIM, and even check up the player’s stats online. All this while I do not have to move. Instant messaging also makes it so much easier to talk about usually hard subjects. Normally I wouldn’t be so open to my friend’s because I would have to see their facial reactions and them possibly judging me right away. Also with AIM, I can talk to multiple people at once. Facebook is another communicative tool which helps connect people to others on a global scale. I can talk to someone instantly with Facebook chat or leave a post on their wall and they can get back to me later. I can talk to my local friends here at this university, my hometown companions, and even my international buddies in New Zealand and France. It keeps me amused during breaks when I do not have classes, during classes, and anytime in between. I love to know my friend’s random happenings via their Facebook status updates because it gives me a little insight on how their day went without me actually having to talk to them.

Computers are wonderful for when I have nothing else better do to- which is a lot nowadays. I can go on random “stalking” sprees on my favorite sports players, play video games, and just browse google for random things. I catch up on my favorite tv shows like Greek, and watch my favorite movies like the Count of Monte Cristo. I use word document, excel and powerpoint all the time for homework, so I do not always use my computer for fun and games. When I do not have my laptop, like currently because it is being repaired, I feel at a loss and disconnected with the world, as sad as that sounds.

Another fabulous invention that technology has brought about is cellular phones. My cell phone is with me so much, it has practically become part of my leg. Whether in my pocket or in my purse, my phone is almost always on me. I love having that practically instant connection with my friends 24/7. Besides the typical phone call, I use text messaging so much, it has become an addictive habit that is almost impossible to break- not that I want to try. As much as I hate to admit it, I get a secret joy whenever my iphone rings its tri-tone and a friend’s name appears with a text message. When I slide the unlock button on the touch screen, I smile on the inside because I know someone loves me enough to send me a text, though usually it is an irrelevant comment sent only to make me laugh. My iphone has the ability to connect to the internet. It comes in major handy when you are trying to figure out the name of Rory Gilmore’s boyfriend in the later seasons of Gilmore Girls (Logan Huntzbeger to save you the trouble, just in case you were wondering). Also my phone has many applications which goes along with the saying ‘there’s an app for that’. This way I can keep tabs on my favorite hockey teams (Capitals, Kings, and Devils), check out local restaurants with Urbanspoon, and even get directions with mapquest. I can play games such as Bejeweled and Mahjong, and I can even read my favorite books like Gone with the Wind and Pride and Prejudice- all on my phone!  My phone is like another personal computer. I can do practically everything I can do or want to do on my computer, on my phone.

As amazing as technology has become, it does have its downsides. While more and more people are connecting online, less and less are connecting face to face. As technology advances, the need for more person to person contact is lessened. Email and chat rooms are easy ways to communicate. Even business meetings can be held on a chat room or video chat.

With inventions such as the Kindle, books are becoming obsolete. People do not enjoy picking up a good book and reading it. A lot of books can be found online whether for sale or for free. But for most people, reading is seen as a chore, not an amusement. They would rather be playing video games or other things that do not require as much imagination as a book. That would just take too much work. If it does not flash or have intense action, or say rawr, it must not be worth it. And who would even dare enter the spooky unknown that is the “liberry”? I know it sounds slightly hypocritical of me after saying how outdated books were, but I love picking up a book and reading it. I am a bit of a book worm and will freely admit to having my own personal library in my house. People these days are less literate. Wikipedia says it is the “ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts” etc. In today’s society, the level of illiteracy has gone down  tremendously, but the majority of young adults are not reading classics. By classics I mean good old Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Victor Hugo, amongst others. So they turn to easier reads like Twilight or Harry Potter, or they just do not bother to read at all, which hurts me a little on the inside.

Another downside of technology is people becoming too lazy. With computers and calculators that think for us, why should be even bother? This laziness, I believe, is adding to the obesity level of America. Television is addicting and with season long shows such as Project Runway, it sucks people in and does not release them. Also with online shopping for not only clothes but for food from grocery stores as well, there is never a need to leave the house.

Online predators are another con to technology, specifically to computers. It is easy to create a facade where you can be anyone from anywhere. Males can be female, and the elderly can be young again. You can never know specifically who you are talking to if you meet them online.

What concerns me the most of that technology is taking over our lives. We are relying so heavily on it, that we stop thinking for ourselves sometimes. Though it might seen sort of sci-fi novel-esque, who is to say that computers won’t soon be literally taking over of lives?


  1. Very well written. I can really relate to what you are writing about because I do most of those same things with technology. Like the first part about how now we are able to take our music where ever we want. As you know my motto (well one of them) is that life should have background music and with today’s technology your life could really have background music and make your day to day life that much better.
    Also when you were saying about how you would die without your laptop I feel the same way. Even if I had to send my computer to the mac store to get fixed for 1-3 days I would go crazy.

    I could go though every line of this blog and agree with every single one but I will save you and I some time by saying great job.

  2. Thanks man! I figured you would agree with me on the music part and all. I am glad we can agree on everything I’ve written because it saves me the trouble of having to go back and edit it.

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